Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Virus causing keyboard problem?

This is my freaking third time typing again, so, I'll just tell everything in point form.

- 3 keys not functioning properly --%26gt; 's', 'w' and 'x' when typed, they give me junk, even open programs and search

- rebooted, didn't work, waited and tried again, failed

- checked out the following link --%26gt;;...

- ran avast! antivirus [still running]

- thought a virus infection is a possibility since I remember seeing a dialogue box about taskmanager.exe not found or whatever

- hoping so badly that it's a keyboard problem and not an infection

What do you guys think? What should I do?

Any help rendered deeply appreciated.

Virus causing keyboard problem?free antivirus download

Virus causing keyboard problem?internet security

The answer is no. virus can not make some keys multifunction unless otherwise all keys. try to use different keyboard or if its laptop try to use external keyboard. i think its a problem of keyboard itself.
reboot and try a different keyboard.
when i run into anything that i think may be a virus that can not be eradicated by the antivirus software, i always go thro the system recovery with the disks that came with the computer. what happens is your computer goes back to right when it first came out of the box and is cleared of anything that could be harmful. i save any data i dont want to lose to an external hard drive and just start over!! some of the viruses are so lethal i don't want to waste any time and allow it to be on there any longer than necessary.

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