iam reading my mail 20 `minuetes ago and bingo everything just froze could not even shut down ,had to shut down at plug have run avast antivirus and reg cure,its working at the moment but this has happened twice today.i have no great knowlege of computers as i have only just started useing one about 2 months ago ,so if someone told me to boot something up i would not have any idea what they were on about.
PC just stops working?computer repair
You say you only started using one two months ago, is it new. If it is contact the supplier and tell them you have this problem. They should fix it under the warranty. Hope this helps.
PC just stops working?free antivirus
Listen for fans running, has that sound changed (running quieter than before), could be a number of things, if it is under warranty have some one look at it from where you bought it.
are you using any of 'file sharing' programs (like limewire and wini)? those programs sometime deletes important files that your computer needs. If you don't have any of the file sharing programs, you should try to reboot your computer.
could be virtul memory or jest a bad stick of ram or the cpu .. could be many things really depends on what it does before that i would say take it to a computer tech and let them fix it
have you tried to defragmentate yr hard drive and also try doing a cleaning out yr registry files and also any temporary files that may have been downloaded onto yr PC
it could be any number of things. if the computer is new, you could call tech support.
it just hanged nothing to worry about the reason is maybe your have a lot of files in your computer.
it is well charged and check the power cycle
run spyware remover software. there could be background things overworking your memory. also, if it feels really warm where the plug goes in the back, it could be your power supply is going out.
are u using a brand new PC as well? if so it's worrying that it freezes like that. Listen to the tower, or keyboard if a laptop. Does it make a "tacttactac" noise? then the hdd is damaged and giving up. If not it's windows that needs a reinstall. If it's new you cant have much to lose reinstall the whole thing and see if it works better, otherwise, back to the shop, the hard drive must have been damaged by a shock or something.
many symptoms, nobody can decide, except guessing.
you need a tech to set infront of the PC, get it fixed.
it might be heating, it might be a virsus, RAM, Operating System .......etc
so get a tech to do it.
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