Monday, October 19, 2009

Lsass.exe error during boot on xp system. Startup freezes, wont finish startup, safe mode shows blac

Help! While booting, our other computer shows an error that says something about lsass.exe and the whole thing freezes. I've tried booting in safe mode, all I get is the words 'safe mode' in all four corners and a black screen. I have Avast but I can't get the system up long enough to get it onto the network and let my other computer scan it. It will let me get into DOS but I'm not sure what to look for to get it running from there. Is there a startup CD I can find for XP? It was preinstalled and warranty is out so I dont have a seperate cd, I REALLY need to try and save this system as intact as possible. I realize I've got a virus/worm etc. so if anyone has ideas I'd be eternally greatful!!! Thanks all!

Lsass.exe error during boot on xp system. Startup freezes, wont finish startup, safe mode shows black screen?hijackthis

If you had the CD you could have inserted it and repaired your XP. But only thing I can think of is removing your hard drive and hooking up to your good computer to recover your files and format the hard drive to reinstall everything.

Good luck!

Lsass.exe error during boot on xp system. Startup freezes, wont finish startup, safe mode shows black screen?malware

If your computer is not working properly when it is switched on, there is a hardware problem. Most of these problems can be solved by just opening up the computer and removing the dust. Detailed instructions at
Oh so I assume you have some certifications then Cutie? Because I only see you copy/pasting 90% of the time.

Anyhow. Issas.exe is a trojan backdoor, VERY VERY BAD.

You can try and run Norton's anti-virus but I'm pretty sure you're going to end up having to reformat

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