Hey guys, I think I noticed my father in law is checking everything I do with some weird program, I think he's using my IP address to see everything and I'm getting tired of it, so how can I protect myself from that? I already installed Zone Alarm , Windows Defender, Avast Antivirus and Spyware Protection, is there anything else that I can do? and is that enough to protect my computer? please help!!
How can I protect my computer from espionage?norton antivirus
reformat and use a diferent pasword pasword protect all users dont let anyone else use it
How can I protect my computer from espionage?security
If you are sure you are being "hi-jacked" you need to do more than just protect yourself. He could have planted a program that sends data out. For example, some spy programs will log then send out the data using a smtp server to send an email. This would be hard to spot because the app would use svchost (which is a legitimate process) to send this email.
What you need to do is use something like Security Task Manager. If you have the time you can also do some self-port scans. That is use a program that will try to hack in (emulating the actual hack). If this is successful you know what you need to patch up.
My most important advice... CLOSE DOWN ALL un-needed services. Windows has a plethora of services that leave you open to dozens of attacks. Email me to get a list of the services and which ones to turn off and so forth. I don't have time here to elaborate now.
If he has a good spy program, nothing you can do. I have one for my 15yo sons computer.
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