i have avast and after scanning there were a lot of unable to scans. i dont know why and i really, really need to know why this is happening. i want to scan my computer but i dont know why it comes up with a lot of unable to scans
Unable to scan?kawasaki
Others with more experience may chime in later with better answers, but I know that there are certain System files that Windows will not open to permit scanning, or something like that. ALL anti-virus are unable to open these files but only certain AV will tell you that. The other AV give you the impression that they were able to get into everything, but no AV can get into all MS System files, that's just the way that MS designed it.
Unable to scan?nortan antivirus
In addition some files are password protected, sometimes by files via your quarantined files/anti spyware for example as well as Microsoft protected files. If you are concerned try to put the files in the chest, or rename or move! Good Luck!
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