My mp3 player was infected by a worm (and a trojan I think) when I connected it to a computer in an Internet cafe. I want to remove it here at home, now will the worm automatically infect my computer if I connect it? What's the best way to deal with it? I have avast and avg, is that enough to remove the worm? ^^;; sorry for all the questions, but thanks in advance too. :)
Does connecting my worm-infected mp3 player to my computer instantly infects it?live update
no matter what virus software you have, i doubt they would be able to remove it from a removable drive. connect it, right click the drive, choose format. this will wipe it. as long as your virus software does not scan at the same time, doesn't matter how many you have.
Does connecting my worm-infected mp3 player to my computer instantly infects it?norten
First of all, you have two different antivirus applications installed which is a big no-no. You never want to have two installed at the same time as they will conflict with each other and cause neither to work properly... which may be how you became infected in the first place.
I would strongly suggest you completely uninstall both and reboot and then install a proper security suite (antivirus, antispyware, firewall, etc) from a RELIABLE vendor (like a mcafee, a norton, kaspersky, etc) and ensure it is properly configured, has completely updated, rebooted, and then make sure it is setup to automatically update and that you perform a complete scan of your computer.
THEN you can scan the mp3 player once you know you have a security suite installed that you can trust.
In the meantime you can attempt a web based scan from to attempt a cursory scan of your system.
As for whether the worm will automatically infect your computer... well, it really depends on the payload of that particular worm. Worms by their very definition are "self propogating" so it may very well attempt to infect your computer. It really won't matter since most likely your computer is already infected and is definitely unprotected.
Good Luck
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